National Lock Safety Standards: a Guide to Forex Trading
As the world continues to navigate through the aftermath of a global pandemic, the standards of national lock safety have come under the spotlight like never before. With increasing levels of scrutiny from governments and citizens alike, it is essential to be aware of the current policies in place and any changes likely to come. This article will explore the latest developments regarding national lock safety standards for the forex sector and offer insight into why such rules are necessary.
National Lock Safety Standards Review
The quality and performance of locks is important to consider when making sure your home and office are safe. As such, American and Canadian lock manufacturers are required to meet certain standards. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) have established criteria for analyzing locks, known as grading. When products are certified by these associations, they are assigned a Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3. It should be noted that Level locks are compatible with residential doors that meet ANSI standards.
Understanding ANSI Grade Levels for Locks
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) have established criteria for certifying locks by assigning a Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3 to them. There are various tests performed on the locks to ensure they meet this criteria. For instance, operational tests the ease of use of a lock, while cycle tests ensure the longevity of the product. Strength tests measure the amount of force it takes to break a lock, while security tests analyze the risk of unauthorized entry. Finally, material and finish tests ensure the product is made of safe materials and it is aesthetically pleasing.
DoD Lock Program and DoD EMALL
To ensure national security, the Department of Defense (DoD) has established the DoD Lock Program. This program is the designated technical authority for anything related to locks, safes, vaults, seals, or containers used to protect sensitive information. All DoD personnel must buy high security padlocks and cylinders via the online procurement platform called FedMall, which has replaced DoD EMALL as the official DoD purchasing site. SmartKey Gate Lock and other compatible locks are available on the website.
NIJ Compliance Testing Program (NIJ CTP)
Law enforcement personnel can take advantage of body armor certified by the National Institute of Justice Compliance Testing Program (NIJ CTP). These products are designed to provide sufficient protection and meet NIJ performance requirements for safety. A product list is provided by the DoD to indicate the media sanitizing, destroying, and disposing products that have been approved. Lastly, many locks in the US, such as those manufactured by Defiant, Gatehouse, Faultless, Weslock, and Delaney, are often rated at Grade 3 (the lowest ANSI/BHMA security rating).